Kentucky Federation of Business and Professional Women's Clubs, Inc.


Welcome to the Kentucky Federation of Business and Professional Women

The Kentucky Federation of Business and Professional Women is a state federation that promotes equity for all women in the workplace through advocacy, education and information. KFBPW is a powerful network of workingwomen seeking to advance their career goals, earn higher salaries, build stronger business, achieve pay equity and equal opportunities, and establish rewarding careers. As all women gain earning power and spending power, they are reshaping U.S. consumer trends. And KFBPW members are on the leading edge of that trend. KFBPW means business for you!

Locals In Kentucky

Local organizations are the basic units of the state federation. The purpose of the local is to pursue the objectives of the Federation by promoting Federation programs and projects. Each local adopts its own bylaws, which must not conflict with the model local bylaws or state bylaws.

When you join the Kentucky Federation, you become a part of an association that is dedicated to meeting the needs unique to workingwomen! Membership is open to all women and men who want to help further the Kentucky Federation’s commitment to helping women in the workplace.

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Upcoming Events

Important Dates

February 7 - National Wear Red Day for Women's Heart Disease Awareness

February 15 - Deadline for State Office Nominations

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